Prof. Dr. Mutlu Özcan

Dishekimliginde Rekonstruksiyon Malzemeleri: Eksiltmeli mi, Eklemeli mi?

Materyal bilimi ve teknolojik gelismeler dishekimligi pratigine yeni malzemeler ve uygulamalar kazandirmaya devam etmektedir. Bu konferansta metaller, polimerler ve seramiklerin kullanildigi eklemeli ve eksiltmeli yeni teknolojiler ve klinik uygulamalardan bahsedilecektir.


Dogum tarihi: 17 Haziran 1969

1993 Marmara Üniversitesi Dishekimligi Fakultesi`nden mezuniyet
Protetik Dis Tedavisi Anabilim Dalinda Arastirma Görevlisi

1999 Doktora (Dr.med.dent.) (Köln Universitesi, Tip ve Dishekimligi Fakultesi, Almanya)

2001-2002 Misafir arastirmaci (Turku Üniversitesi, Protez ve Biyomateryaller Anabilim Dali, Finlandiya)

2003 Ph.D (Groningen Kraliyet Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakultesi, Hollanda)

2007 Klinik Dental Biyomateryaller Bölümde Profesörlük (Groningen Kraliyet Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakültesi, Hollanda)

2009-2023 Rekonstruktif Dishekimligi Anabilimdali, Dental Biyomateryaller Bölüm Baskani (Zürih Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakültesi, Isvicre)

2020-2023 Cigneme Bozukluklari a.i. Anabilimdali Direktörlügü (Zürih Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakültesi, Isvicre)

2023- Cigneme Bozukluklari ve Dental Biyomateryaller Anabilimdali Direktörlügü (Zürih Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakültesi, Isvicre)

2023- Direktör ve Finans Direktörü a.i. (Zürih Üniversitesi, Dishekimligi Fakültesi, Isvicre)

Mutlu Özcan, 850`nin üzerinde bilimsel ve klinik makaleye, uluslararasi cok sayida ödüle sahip olup, cok sayida bilimsel dergide hakemlik görevi bulunmaktadir.

Aralarinda São Paolo ÜniversItesi (Brazilya), Florida ÜniversItesi (Amerika) ve Hong Kong ÜniversItesi (Cin)`in de bulundugu bircok üniversitede misafir profesör ünvani mevcuttur.

Avrupa Protez Birligi (EPA) tarafindan taninmis Protez uzmanligi bulunup, Avrupa Protez Birligi Genel Sekreteri, Uluslararasi Dental Arastirma Birligi (IADR) Dental Materyaller Grubu (DMG) gecmis dönem baskani, Dental Materyaller Akademisi (ADM) ve İngiliz Kraliyet Üniversitesi secilmis üyesi ve diplomatidir (FDS RCPS-Glasgow). Uluslararasi Adhesiv Dishekimligi Akademisi (IAAD) gecmis baskanidir.

2018 yilinda Romanya`dan “Dr. honoris causa” ünvani verilmis ve ayni yil International Association of Dental Research (IADR) tarafindan verilen kendi alaninda “En Seckin Bilim Adami” ödülüne layik görülmüstür.

Reconstruction Materials in Dentistry: Subtractive or Additive?

Material science and technological developments continue to introduce new materials and applications to the dental practice. In this conference, additive and subtractive technologies and clinical applications using metals, polymers and ceramics will be discussed.


Mutlu Özcan has earned her Dentistry Licenciate in 1993 in Istanbul, Turkey, Dr. med. dent. degree in 1999 in Cologne, Germany. After working as an invited visiting researcher at the University of Turku in Finland between 2000-2002, she did her Doctorate in Medical Sciences (PhD) in 2003 in Groningen, The Netherlands and appointed to be a full professor for Clinical Dental Biomaterials at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands in 2007.
Between 2009-2023, she was the Head of Division of Dental Biomaterials at the Clinic for Reconstructive Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2020-2023 Director a.i. Professor, Clinic of Masticatory Disorders and since 2023 Chairman of Clinic of Masticatory Disorders and Dental Biomaterials at the same university.
Prof. Mutlu Özcan is currently the Director and Finance Director (a.i.) of Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

She also holds Honorary Professorship positions at various universities some of which are São Paolo State University (Brazil), University of Florida (USA), and University of Hong Kong (China).

Prof. Özcan has authored more than 850 ISI Web of Science indexed original scientific and clinical publications, is a well-sought lecturer, receiver of several international awards, and serves for the editorial boards of numerous scientific journals.

She is EPA-Recognized Specialist in Prosthodontics, Honorary Secretary of the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Past president of the International Academy of Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD), IADR / Clinical and Translational Science Network, International Association of Dental Research (IADR) / Dental Materials Group (DMG), Fellow of Academy of Dental Materials (FADM), Fellow of International College of Dentistry (FICD) and Fellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, FDS RCPS (Glasgow).

Prof. Özcan is the recipient of the prestigious “2018 IADR Distinguished Scientist Wilmer Souder Award”. In the same year, she received “Dr. honoris causa” title from Romania.

Her clinical expertise is on reconstructive dentistry and her scientific work focuses on translational and clinical research with a particular emphasis on the development and application of dental biomaterials and technologies in multiple dental disciplines.

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