Prof. Dr. Marco Ferrari






University of Siena
Department of Medical Biotechnology


Full Professor and Dean, School of Dental Medicine
Member of Supreme Court of Health (from 2019-now)

Academic History
- 1983 Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa.
- 1987 Specialized in Odontostomatology at the University of Siena with praise.
- 1995 Obtained PhD in Dental Materials at Amsterdam University

Career History
- 1992 appointed clinical instructor – Faculty of Dentistry from Tufts University – Boston and progressed to Research Professor in 1999-2000.
- October 2000 Named as Associate professor by the University of Siena.
- 2001, proposed and implemented the PhD program 'Dental Materials and their clinical applications' in University of Siena.
- 2002 named as Full Professor by the University of Siena.
- 2003 elected as Dean of the School of Dental Medicine of the University of Siena.
- 2017 he was elected President of the "Dentistry" degree course (degree course of Dentistry delivered in English). Which was approved by European Dental Council and the Dental Association of European Education.
- From 2017-2018 implemented a Residential Master's program in "Prosthodontics Sciences" in English language, approved by the European Prosthodontic Association.
- Professor of Restorative Dentistry, University of Leeds (2016-2019)
- Adjunct Professor of Prosthodontics, University of Rochester, NY
- Research professor, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA

Academic Society, Group etc.
Member and Past President of European Federation of Conservative Dentistry
Member and Past President of Academy of Dental Materials
Member of IADR and Past President of IADR CED
Past President of IADR DMG
President Elect of Italian Society of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation
European Specialist in Prosthodontics
Past President of European Prosthodontics Association

- Vice Rector of the International Relations' of the University of Siena. (2003 -2006).
- In May 2005, Director of the Ph.D. in "Biotechnologies" of the University of Siena.
- In July 2010 he was appointed Director of the Operating Unit Complex of Odontostomatology of the Polyclinic Le Scotte - University Hospital of Siena.
- He was the founder and coordinator of the Tuscan School of Dental Medicine, Degree in Dentistry and Prosthetics Inter-university Dentistry of the Universities of Florence and Siena (2010).
- He was Director of the Department of Medical Biotechnology of the University of Siena (2012).
- He is President of the Master of Science in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis (Dentistry).
- He is Dean of School of Dental Medicine, University of Siena
- Member of the Senate of University of Siena
- Member of Supreme Court of Health

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