Prof. Dr. Alpdoğan Kantarcı

Nörodejeneratif Hastalıklarla Periodontal Hastalıkların İlişkisi
Sistemik hastaliklarla periodontal hastaliklar arasindaki iliski periodontal hastaligin diyabetin altinci komplikasyonu oldugunun ortaya konmasindan sonra ve 30 yildir uzerinde yogun calisilan bir arastirma konusudur. Salt bir arastirma konusu olmasindan ote bu iliski periodontal hastaligin tedavisinin sadece lokal dokular uzerinde degil, diger organlardaki patolojilerin azalmasina ve sistemik tedavide fayda saglamasina neden olmasi nedeniyle onemlidir. Son yillardaki calismalar periodontal hastalikla norodejeneratif hastaliklar arasinda da iki yonlu bir iliski oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Bu iliski, hem epidemiyolojik arastirmalarla, hem de klinik bulgularla desteklenmektedir. Giderek yaslanan global nufusun en buyuk sorunlardan biri olan demans, Alzheimer hastaligi, Parkinson hastaligi gibi norodejeneratif patolojilerin uzak organlarda ortaya cikan gingivitis ve periodontitis gibi enfektoenflamatuvar hastaliklarla iliskisinin mekanizmasinin belirlenmesi tedavi seceneklerinin arttirilmasini, ortak risk faktorlerinin ortaya konmasini ve saglikli bir yaslanmanin gerceklestirilmesini olasi kilacaktir. Bu sunumda norodejeneratif hastaliklarla periodontal hastaliklarin iliskisi ve klinik uygulamalar konusunda en guncel durum arastirma verileri ve tedavi secenekleri acisindan irdelenecektir.


Dr. Alpdoğan KANTARCI Forsyth Enstitusu’nde professor olarak gorev yapmakta olan bir ogretim uyesidir. Ayrica Harvard Universitesi ve Boston Universitesi Dishekimligi Fakultesi’nde ogretim uyesi olarak gorevlidir. Istanbul Universitesi Dishekimligi Fakultesi’nden 1991 yilinda mezun olmus, ayni fakultenin Periodontoloji Anabilim Dali’nda doktorasini tamamlamistir. 1999’da doktora sonrasi arastirmaci olarak Boston Universitesi’nde calismaya baslamis, 2002-2004 arasinda Boston Universitesi’nde periodontoloji uzmanligi egitimini almis, 2004 yilinda ogretim uyeligine atanmistir. 2004 yilinda Turkiye’de docentlik sinavini vererek docent olmus, 2009 yilinda Boston Universitesi Dishekimligi Fakultesi Periodontoloji ve Oral Biyoloji Bolumu’nde docentlige yukseltilmistir. 2010 yilinda Forsyth Enstitusu’ne gecmistir. 2020 yilinda profesorluge yukseltilmistir. Arastirmaci, klinisyen ve ogretim uyesi olarak calismalarina devam etmektedir. Forsyth Enstitusu klinik direktorudur; aktif dishekimligine devam etmektedir. Akademik kariyeri boyunca 60’dan fazla doktora, uzmanlik ve yuksek lisans tezi yonetmis, lisans, yuksek lisans ve uzmanlik dersleri vermistir; klink egitimde gorev almistir. Yirmiden fazla derginin yazim kurulunda ve hakemliginde calismaktadir. Arastirma ilgi alanlari periodontal hastaligin molekuler mekanizmalari, iltihabin oral/dental ve sistemik hastaliklarla iliskisi, ileri inceleme tekniklerinin dishekimligi ve tipta iltihabi hastaliklarin tanisi ve tedavisindeki yeri ve ozellikle son yillarda hizlandirilmis ortodontik tedavinin biyolojik mekanizmalari olarak tarif edilebilir. Dr. Kantarci 200’den fazla makale yayinlamis, kitap bolumleri yazmis; dishekimligi ve genel tip kongrelerinde davetli olarak 500’den fazla konferans ve sozlu bildiri sunmustur.

Association between Periodontal Disease and Neurodegenerative Diseases
The link between periodontal disease and systemic diseases has been well-established. Early research in 1990’s have demonstrated that this link is bi-directional. Moreover, periodontal treatment reduces the risk and increases the efficacy of therapies in diabetes and other systemic diseased showing that the association is not random. Likewise, epidemiological and clinical data support that the periodontal disease is linked to neurodegenerative diseases including dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Globally, neurodegenerative diseases are in the rise in a rapidly aging human population. Therefore, it is critical to elucidate the common risk factors and the role of oral diseases in neurodegenerative diseases to understand the infectious and inflammatory bases of the association and develop novel interventional approaches where the treatment of oral diseases are a part of the healthy aging. This presentation will focus on the most recent clinical and research findings and emerging therapeutic strategies in the in the link between periodontal and oral diseases and neurodegenerative pathologies.


Dr. Alpdoğan KANTARCI holds a D.D.S. and a Ph.D. degree. He is a certified specialist of Periodontology (C.A.G.S.) and a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He is a Professor (Senior Member of the Staff) at the Forsyth Institute in Cambridge, MA, USA. Dr. Kantarci serves as an Associate Professor at Boston University’s Henry Goldman School of Dental Medicine and Harvard University School of Dental Medicine. After graduating from Istanbul University in 1991, he completed his doctorate studies at Istanbul University at the Department of Periodontology joining the faculty. He moved to the USA in 1999 as a postdoctoral fellow at Boston University. Upon completing his postdoctoral studies in 2002, he has started clinical periodontology specialization training at Boston University. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor in 2004 and was promoted to the Associate Professorship in 2009. In 2010, he joined the Forsyth Institute and Harvard University. He serves as the clinical director at the Forsyth Institute as an active clinician. Dr. Kantarci has mentored more than 60 theses; directed and taught in several graduate and postgraduate clinical and didactic dentistry courses. He serves on the editorial board of more than 20 dental and medical scientific journals. His research interests include Molecular Mechanisms and Resolution Pathways of Oral Inflammation in Periodontitis and the Link to Systemic Diseases, Experimental Models, Clinical Applications of High-Throughput Analysis in Dental Research (e.g. xMAP Multiplexing), and Biology of Surgery-Assisted Tooth Movement. He holds several patents. He has published more than 200 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, wrote book chapters, and presented more than 500 oral talks.

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