He was born 1957 Adana/TURKEY .He qualified as a dentist (DDS)1982.Same year he attanded as an assistant Professor at Istanbul University Dental School department of Periodontology.He’s received his PhD degree at same University 1989.
Associated Professor year 1993
Full Professor year 1999
Retired from the University April 2013
Since 1993 he is doing implants and giving lectuers.
Meffert implant Institute educator since  2004.
Fotona Laser user since 2004
Prof. Gökbuget lectures and leads seminars on Periodontology and conducts courses on practical and advanced Implantology and Dental Lasers.
1995-96 visiting professor at Eastman Dental Institute Oral Med.Department, London UK
He has a private Clinic with three partners (Prosthodontis&Orthodontist&GP) named Pgg Dent at Istanbul.
Main İnterest;
Bone grafts and bone surgery
Mucogingival surgery
Sistemic diseases and dentistry
Dental Lasers
Prof. Gökbuget is an active

Periodontal treatment for advanced periodontal cases

Today, the objective of dentistry is not only to eliminate the disease but also improve the patients aesthetics and function. The success and predictability of dental implants have changed the philosophy and practice of dentistry during the last two decades. Despite the scientific data and their widespread use, dental implants are certainly not problem free. Patient selection and treatment planning is one of the most, if not the most important step in dental implant procedures. Patient’s individual oral hygiene habits, systemic disease and periodontal status, his expectations are needed to take into consideration for a more predictable result. For example aggressive and quick onset type of periodontitis becomes particularly important if one is planning to place implants to such kind of patients. For these types of patients, the maintenance protocol has to be completely different compared to a periodontally non compromised individual. The reason is that patients with history of aggressive or chronic type of periodontitis (according to the previous classification of periodontal and periimplant diseases and conditions) may exhibit significantly greater long-term probing pocket depth,

Learning Objectives

  1. Scientific background of periodontally compromised patient and dental implant therapy
  2. Why treatment planning and patient selection is utmost important for dental implant therapy,
  3. How we should behave for our implant patients if he/she has periodontal disease