Graduated in Dentistry in 2002; Master of Science and PhD in “Dental materials and their clinical applications”. Associate Professor of Prosthodontics and Digital Dentistry at the University Federico II of Napoli. Lecturer at several national and international Post-graduate and Master Courses in different Universities. Expert and consultant for international dental companies. Author of more than 180 publications in national and international peer-reviewed journals and co-author of chapters of books on Prosthodontics. Reviewer of more than 30 international peer-reviewed journals. Speaker at national and international meetings. Member of the Italian Society of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation (SIPRO). Winner of many national and international prizes for research and clinical activity. Co-founder of the Scientific Unit of Digital Dentistry (SUDD) of the University Federico II of Napoli, of the Napoli Prosthodontic Team and of the dental community Zerodonto.

How Two Choose Correct Material for Veneer in Difficult Clinical Situation


Practical Tips for Veneers in Complicated Cases

This topic discusses various important aspects related to successful esthetic rehabilitation, including planning, cases of significant discoloration, finalizations in partial anterior restorations, diastemata, and the use of no-prep and deep-prep veneers. The article also covers criteria for the choice of veneer materials, the importance of digital protocols in partial anterior restorations, and the choice of fixing materials. Dr.Zlata Stepanova

Learning objectives

  • Veneers, digital dentistry, cases
  • Aesthetic proposal and finalizations in partial anterior restorations