Zeynep Gönen was born in Ankara in 1982.
She graduated first in her class from the Department of Dental Technology at
Hacettepe University in 2002. She established Flora Dental Laboratory in Ankara in
She has continued her education by attending numerous programs organized by
various dental technology companies, like Vita and Ceramco, in Turkey as well as in
She moved her laboratory to Istanbul in 2007.
She attended programs of Gerald Ubassy and Christoph Zobler organized and
hosted by Ivoclar.
She attended courses in Occlusion and Function from the renowned Christoph
Zobler in Austria in 2010 and 2011.
She worked as a demonstrator at “Amann Girrbach” Cad-cam and Guney Academy
in 2015 - 2016 She has been an key opinion leader at “Renfert” since 2016
After training with Oliver Dreher, she joined the “United Dragons of Function”
group as “Red Dragon” in August 2019
She has been teaching for four years on occlusion and function in Turkey
Currently, she continues her own work at M31 Dental Atelier in Mugla specializing
and focussing on Aesthetics and Functional dental technology
Chewing Simulations “ARTICULATORS”
Information that will pave the way for understanding articulators and using them in the most effective way, -Classification and comparison of articulators (digital) -The importance of song recording and its application details. -Relationships and importance of articulators and models in function -Articulator parameters and records of these parameters. -The effects and importance of parameters on designs.
Learning objectives
- Understanding the importance of using articulators and hummingbirds.
- The importance of articulator controls in designs.
- Active advantages and disadvantages of articulators in our designs.