Zelal Seyfioğlu POLAT; after graduating from Dicle University, Dentistry Faculty in 1998, she completed her PHD degree in Prosthodontics Department at Dicle University Health Sciences Institute in 2003. In 2006, she was an Associate Professor in Dicle University Dentistry Faculty. She was entitled to receive the title of Associate Professor in 2010, and in 2015 she has been a Professor at Dicle University Dentistry Faculty. She currently works as a lecturer at the same faculty.
She took part in various projects supported by national organizations. She has articles published in national and international journals.
Zelal Seyfioğlu POLAT, who carries out her clinical studies in the field of Prosthetic Dentistry, continues to focus mainly on the interaction of different materials with soft and hard tissues and clinical results.
She is married and has two children.
Current Perspective on Periodontics-Prosthesis Relationship
Periodontal health plays a very important role in the longevity of restorations in Prosthodontic Treatment, and problematic prostheses can also pave the way for the development of periodontal diseases. In achieving a successful treatment result; The periodontologist and prosthodontics should work in coordination in treatment planning, treatment phase and maintenance.
There is a strong correlation between all disciplines in Modern Dentistry, but there is a very close and dynamic relationship between the periodontology and prosthodontics.
In recent years, dental implants have been used in the treatment of lost teeth, instead of fixed prostheses or removable prostheses that receive support from other teeth. The soft tissue surrounding the dental implant is called peri-implant mucosa. When the superstructure of a placed implant is made, the soft tissues should ideally adhere to the prosthetic component and prevent the entry of bacteria and plaque into the peri-implant gingival pocket, protecting the placed implant.
There are four different elements that need to be addressed to protect soft tissue and bone after the construction of the implant-supported restoration. These; cement or screw-retained restoration, emergence profile of the restoration, subgingival implant restoration material, supragingival implant restoration material. In this presentation; The effects of peri-implant mucosa and related factors on soft tissues and bone stability will be discussed one by one.