Dr. Varinder Goyal, BDS, MDS, MFDS RCPS(Glasgow) is Professor, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Guru nanak Dev Dental College & Research Institute, Sunam, India. He is adjunct Professor, Dr. Dy Patil University, Pune. He is Past President and General Secretary Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry. He is Member, Board of Directors and chair, Education Committee, International Association of Paediatric Dentistry. He is Founder President, South Asian association of Paediatric Dentistry and Board member, Paediatric Dentistry Association of Asia. He is contributor in two textbooks of Paediatric dentistry and in one textbook of operative dentistry. He has authored /Co-authored many papers in international & national Journals. He has conducted many CDE programs across India. He has presented many papers in International & National Conferences. He has been guest speaker in many national conferences.
Management of Incipient Carious Lesions: Contemporary Strategies and Clinical Considerations
Incipient carious lesions represent early stages of tooth decay, where demineralisation of the enamel has occurred without cavitation. This abstract provides an overview of contemporary strategies and clinical considerations for the management of incipient carious lesions, emphasising minimally invasive approaches to preserve tooth structure and prevent disease progression. The management of incipient carious lesions has evolved significantly in recent years, with a shift towards non-surgical and conservative interventions aimed at remineralization and lesion stabilization. Early detection and risk assessment are essential for identifying incipient lesions and implementing appropriate preventive measures. Clinical examination, diagnostic tools such as radiography and fluorescence-based devices, as well as risk assessment protocols facilitate early intervention and tailored treatment planning. Contemporary strategies for managing incipient carious lesions focus on remineralisation therapy, which aims to enhance the natural repair processes of the tooth structure. Remineralisation agents strengthening the tooth structure and arresting lesion progression.
Learning objectives
- Understand the concept of incipient carious lesions and their significance in dental caries management.
- Recognize the importance of early detection and risk assessment in identifying incipient carious lesions.
- Explain the principles of remineralization therapy and its role in managing incipient carious lesions, including the use of fluoride varnishes, calcium phosphate complexes, and CPP-ACP pastes and Identify patient-specific factors and considerations in the management of incipient carious lesions, including lesion assessment, risk stratification, and treatment planning.
- Discuss long-term monitoring and preventive maintenance strategies for managing incipient carious lesions, including regular follow-up evaluations and adjunctive therapies.
- Apply evidence-based principles and contemporary strategies in clinical practice to effectively manage incipient carious lesions and prevent disease progression.