-born in 1981 in Rostock
- Mother of 2 children (10-year-old twins)
- Oral surgeon and dentist
- State examination 2007
- Specialist dentist (oral surgeon) 2012
- Deputy chairwoman of the dental pension fund
2018- 2022
- President of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Dental Association since 10/2021
- Expert for exceptional indications
- Master of Science in oral implantology and periodontology
- Owner of a dental group practice with 3 dentists and an oral surgeon since 2012
- Team: 9 dental employees with various qualifications (chairside assistants, professional dental hygienists, administrative assistants) and 4 trainees.
- Member of the board of the German Dental Association
- Member of the DPC
Social Media and Dental Ethics
The use of social media, particularly in dentistry, presents both opportunities and ethical challenges. The FDI Dental Ethics Manual highlights concerns such as confidentiality breaches, jurisdictional issues and the balance between personal and professional use of social media. Our proposed session aims to provide guidelines and strategies for ethical social medim use in dentistry following principles outlined in the World Medical Association Statement on the Professional and Ethical Use of Social Media. Using real life examples of social media engagement, and personal expression the need for an ethical considerations will be demonstrated.
Learning objectives
- Learn about the concept of ethics in dentistry in relation to social media use
- Understand the specifics of social media, opportunities and challenges as well as its impact on the dentist patient relations and interactions
- Become aware of the moral principles and guidelines that govern the behaviour of individual dentists and organisations, while using social media platforms