Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry at the University of Sheffield and Chartered Health Psychologist registered with the British Psychological Society. Editor-in-Chief of the international flagship journal, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. Recipient of the prestigious 2018 International Association of Dental Research (IADR) Distinguished Scientist Award for Behavioural, Epidemiological and Health Services Research, and three-times winner of the IADR Giddon Award for Distinguished Research in Behavioural Sciences in 2013, 2016 and 2022. Sits on a number of professional committees including the International Advisory Group of the NIHR Global Health Group on Oral Health, and the World Dental Federation’s (FDI) Oral Health Observatory Task Team. President (2013-14) and Executive Committee Member (2010-2019) of the Behavioural, Epidemiologic Health Services Research Group of the IADR.
Practice-based Oral Health Dentist and Patient-reported Data from Six Countries
Oral diseases affect a significant proportion of the world’s population, yet international comparisons involving oral health outcomes have often been limited due to differences in the way country-level primary data are collected. In response to this, the World Dental Federation (FDI) Oral Health Observatory project was launched with the goal of collecting and producing standardised international data on oral health across countries. The aims of this presentation are to describe the patient and dentist data collected in the six countries who have completed data collection so far (India, Japan, China, Lebanon, Colombia, Italy) and to examine associations between self-reported general health and oral health−related behaviours, oral impacts, and clinical variables. In addition, to explore some of the benefits and limitations of using standardised international datasets in the oral and dental field.
Learning objectives
- To describe patient and dentist data collected in the Oral Health Observatory Project
- To examine associations between oral health-related behaviours, oral impacts, clinical variables and self-reported general health in Italy, Lebanon, India, Colombia, Japan and China
- To explore benefits and limitations of using standardised international datasets