Dr. Samhan Alajmi is the assistant program director for Kuwait Board of Endodontics. He received his BDS from Dundee University in Scotland in 2008. He had the membership of faculty of dentistry from the Royal College of Ireland in 2010.
In 2014, he completed his Endodontic residency and Master degree from The University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Alajmi completed a fellowship in Dental Implant from Tufts University in 2015. He also became a diplomate from the American Board of Endodontics in 2015.
Management of Failed Root Canal Therapy
Clinicians often have to deal with complicated clinical situations such as failed root canal treatments. A thorough understanding of the prevalence, diagnosis and management of such cases are essential parts of a successful dental care. Careful clinical testings and the use of CBCT increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of failed root canal treatments.
The incidence of posttreatment disease, although small, translates into a large number of cases where further treatment is needed. When faced with such a situation, the clinician must determine the etiology of the persistent pathosis and devise a rationale and strategy for treatment.
There are many causes for “failure” of initial endodontic therapy that have been described in the endodontic literature. These include iatrogenic procedural errors such as poor access cavity design, untreated canals (both major and accessory), canals that are poorly cleaned and obturated, complications of instrumentation (ledges, perforations, or separated instruments), and overextensions of root-filling materials. Coronal leakage has also been blamed for posttreatment disease, as has persistent intracanal and extracanal infection and radicular cysts
Learning objectives
- Diagnosing Failed RCT
- Treatment planning of Failed RCT
- Understand the outcome of each treatment option
Vital Pulp Therapy: Recent Updates
The destructive nature of conventional dental treatment and concerns of overtreatment and the ‘restorative cycle’ have led the profession to promote minimally invasive biologically based treatment strategies.
Vital pulp therapy (VPT) is a biologic and conservative treatment modality to preserve the vitality and function of the coronal or remaining radicular pulp tissue in vital permanent teeth.
Clinicians often struggle to choose which type of VPT to choose, between indirect pulp cap, direct pulp cap, partial pulpotomy and full pulpotomy.
The aim of this presentation is to look into the literature of VPT and to teach practitioners clinicals tips on how to diagnose deep caries and choose the appropriate treatment option that suits each clinical situation.
In order to answer the possibility of success of such treatments, I will cover and review:
History of VPT.
Background of capping dental materials.
The dilemma of diagnosing diseased pulps.
Pulp biology and capacity of healing.
Outcome studies.
The recent position statements of AAE and ESE.
Learning objectives
- Educate dentists about the recent updates of VPT
- Cases selection for VPT
- How to manage such cases