Dr Salvatore Sauro is currently professor in dental biomaterials and minimally invasive dentistry at the “Departamento de Odontología, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera”, coordinator of the "Dental Research" and Director (Principal Investigator) of the research group "In Situ Dental Tissues Engineering and Minimally Invasive Therapeutic Adhesive Rehabilitation". He is also visiting senior lecturer, at the Faculty of Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute (KCLDI), visiting Professor at the School of Dentistry, Moscow, Sechenov University of Moscow (Russia), visiting Professor at the School of Dentistry University of Bari (Italy) and honorary Professor at the dental school - University of Hong Kong.
Strategies to Stabilise Dentine-bonded Interfaces - from Bench to Clinic
Modern “simplified single-step” dental adhesive systems have improved considerably over the last ten years, although shortcomings such as post-operative sensitivity, premature reductions in bond strength, interface and marginal degradation, and biocompatibility are still considered important issues with such materials. The degradation of the hybrid layer (HL) occurs through two main mechanisms: the enzymatic degradation of its collagen fibrils, and the leaching of the resin from the HL are enabled by residual unbound water between the denuded collagen fibrils, trapped within the HL. Furthermore, hydrolysis of dental polymers within the hybrid layer is a further major factor thought to destabilise the resin-dentine interface. Several strategies for the preservation of the HL over time have been advocated, and they entail the removal of the unbound water from the gaps between the collagen fibrils, as well as different modes of silencing endogenous enzymatic activity. Thus, this lecture will attempt to bring together a number of in vitro and in vivo observations, to show how to improve the durability of resin-dentine bonds and prevent secondary caries in adhesive restorations.
Learning objectives
- To learn the different mechanisms of degradation processes at the resin-tooth bonding interface when using simplified and multi-steps adhesive systems
- To describe different methods to reduce the degradation of the resin-dentine interface via inhibition of proteases
- To describe different methods to create a resin-dentine interface more resistant to hydrolytic degradation over time
Biomimetic Remineralisation of Mineral-depleted Dentine using Innovative Ion-releasing Restorative Materials
Minimally invasive operative dentistry has nowadays a clear place in daily primary care dental practice, with practitioners and patients being more aware of its importance and benefits. Minimal invasive restorative operative techniques include selective caries removal, adhesive biomaterials with bio-active/interactive properties and biomimetic restorations. The scientific evidence behind selective caries removal and retaining residual affected tissue at the base of the excavated cavity, to benefit the pulp status, is robust regarding arrest of lesion progression if biofilm growth and organization is controlled at the tooth surface. Advances in adhesive dentistry, including newly developed bio-active/interactive materials are now expected to induce repair of the residual affected demineralised dentine, resulting in a significant impact on restoration longevity and its clinical performance. This lecture will bring together a number of demonstrations to show how innovative ion-releasing materials may remineralise the mineral-depleted dentine within the bonding interface. The impact of using biomimetic analogues on the “bottom-up” dentin remineralisation will be also demonstrated.
Learning objectives
- To understand how bio-active/interactive materials adhere and promote tissue repair and the evidence on the effectiveness of different biomaterials
- Describe how to achive a biomimetic "bottom-up" remineralisation of dentine collagen
- To learn how air-abrasion procedures performed using bioglass powder can improve the clinical performance of our adhesive restorations