- Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Oporto (FMDUP) (1996-2002)
- Post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (Bränemark Institute in Gothenburg and Maxilla-Facial Surgery Ward at Västerås Hospital) (2002)
- Specialization Course in Implantology by FMDUP (2003-2006)
- Master's Degree in Implantology by FMDUP (MsC) (2006- 2007)
- PhD degree in the field or Oral Surgery /Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2018)
- Oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD)
- Opinion leader of Bredent Medical Group, MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) active member, opinion leader of Bredent Portugal, KOL of Osteobiol Biomaterials, KOL of T-scan (digital assessment of occlusion)
- IFZI (Prof.Lang) academy auxiliar instructor, Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) Academy, ambassador of the Clean Implant Foundaton.
- Expert on Dental XP, dentinaltubules education
How to Deal with Demanding Cases of Oral Implants
In severe cases of atrophic jaws, we must use very specific techniques to solve the clinical cases, like short or tilted implants or even more advanced techniques like sinus lift and filling, extensive GBR, inferior alveolar nerve transposition, trespass or lateralization. Is also very important to know how to deal and solve complications when treating challenging cases and to prevent failures utilizing objective criteria for loading protocols. The goal of the lecture is to explain the different treatment options with oral implants in demanding cases of atrophic jaws and to use some state-of-the-art techniques to help solving some challenging cases with predictable results.
Learning objectives
- Understanding the different options to avoid or graft the maxillary sinus for implant placement To clear that all the advanced techniques for implant placement have specific indications and good results, when performed correctly
- To explain summarily the different techniques to mobilize the IAN
- To clear that all the advanced techniques for implant placement have specific indications and good results, when performed correctly
Loading Protocols in Oral Implantology
Implant therapy is a recognized treatment for edentulous areas with long term success. Nevertheless, in some critical situations we must use different techniques of advanced oral surgery and bone regeneration to allow the implant placement avoiding the damage of important anatomical structures, like the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) or the maxillary sinus. The main goal of the lecture is to create awareness of the objective criteria (ISQ, Torque, Bone density) that should be used to choose the right loading protocol (immediate, early or delayed) in all the rehabilitation situations, including the most demanding ones. And also the more subjectve factors, that also have to be taken in consideration, to take the right decision and having long term predicatble results.
Learning objectives
- Knowing the Criteria for predictable loading protocols for single and multiple splinted implants
- Witch objective factors should be taken in consideration to choose thel correct loading protocol
- Witch subjective factors should also be taken in consideration to choose the loading protocol