Past President- European Prosthodontic Association , Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, Univ. of Athens Greece, Adjunct Professor, University of Siena, Italy. Certificate in Prosthodontics and Master of Science-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.  PhD- Univ. of Athens, Greece. President of the Greek Prosthodontic Society.   She has published over 80 scientific papers, which were cited numerous times and received prestigious awards.  She has given lectures and scientific presentations in over 40 countries worldwide.  She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry and the European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. Phophi Kamposiora holds a Private Practice “Odontiki Anaplasi”, limited to Prosthodontics, Esthetic Dentistry and Implants in Athens

Modern Polymer Solutions for Indirect Digital Restorations

The restorative dentist is provided with a great number of digital tools. The real challenge is to be trained to combine digital information arising from radiographic evaluation like CBCTs, intraoral scanning files, virtual libraries and image manipulation softwares. Digital technology has provided us with the tools needed create virtual representations of the desired outcome for our restorations. This can be applied to many fields, including implant dentistry, prosthodontics and restorative dentistry.  Outcome driven restorations is a new concept that allows the dentist and the patient to visualize the final restorative outcome ahead of time. When this outcome is acceptable it can be transferred to the patient for a 3D representation (mock up).  Modern polymer and hybrid materials provide us with solutions for many types of restorations like onlays, endocrowns, veneers as well as implant supported restorations.  Different marketing strategies for the integration of such restorations in any clinical practice, will be presented throughout the lecture.

Learning objectives

  • To interpret the images taken with CBCT and scanning devices
  • To be able to combine data and files deriving from various digital sources
  • To recommend to the team of experts the best treatment strategy
  • To be able to predict and design virtually the proposed treatment outcome
  • To be able to provide to the patient clinical representations of the proposed treatment

Outcome Driven Restorations - going from Z to A: Combining Digital Workflows with Clinical Skills

State of the Art IOS technology, as well as a great number of digital tools and techniques, enable us to provide our patients with faster and more controlled treatment planning. Digital Technology allows us to create virtual representations of the desired outcome of our restorations. This can be applied to many fields including Implant Dentistry, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. Outcome driven restorations is a new concept that allows the dentist and the patient to visualise the final restorative outcome ahead of time. When this virtual outcome is acceptable it can be transferred to the patient for a 3D representation (mock up) and then reproduced to the final restoration.
The creation of a team of experts including digital technicians and similarly trained specialists and the ability of this team to communicate in real time, can lead to outstanding restorative outcomes.

Learning objectives

  • To be able to use digital technology for accurate treatment planning
  • To use digital technology in order to visualize the final outcome
  • To be able to create realistic representations of the proposed treatment for patients approval