-Associate Professor in Pediatric Dentistry (University of Bordeaux, France)
-Permanent Researcher in a french laboratory of excellence (PACEA, UMR5199 MC CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France)
-Deputy Head of Department "Medicine and Dental Surgery (Teaching Hospitals of Bordeaux, France)
-PhD in Anthropology
-Authorization to direct research accepted
-Private Sector Work
-13 international articles with impact factor (Journal Citation Reports®) mostly dealing with Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) and esthetics in children and adolescents
-Co-author of best clinical practice guidance for clinicians dealing with children presenting with molar-incisor-hypomineralisation (MIH): an updated European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry policy document
-Numerous guest lectures
How to Manage Young Patients with Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) in 2024
Nowadays, dental practitioners seem to be more and more confronted with molar incisor hypomineralizations (MIH). This anomaly of enamel can cause important deteriorations of first permanent molars and sometimes aesthetic problems on permanent incisors. An effective care must include early diagnosis, post eruptive breakdown and caries preventions, desensibilizing, potential restorations, monitoring, and sometimes extractions of first permanent molars. Furthermore, enamel defects on anterior teeth can cause psychological suffering. Different aesthetic treatments can be set up. Through a review of recent scientific publications and different case reports from our activity, we’ll describe the care strategies of young patients with MIH.
Learning objectives
- To know molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) to inform our young patients and their parents
- To know how to manage preventive or curative treatments on first permanent molars of patients with MIH
- To know how to treat enamel defects on anterior teeth of patients with MIH
How to Manage Unsightly Enamel Defects on Anterior Teeth of Young Patients
The dental surgeon is more and more confronted with patients’ demands on aesthetic treatments. Abnormalities in tooth color and enamel defects on anterior teeth are parts of these wants. Making the correct diagnosis isn’t such an easy exercise for the practitioner. However, with the clinical dental examination, this is the key to select the most appropriate conservative treatment. In agreement with the principle of minimally invasive dentistry, the most conservative treatments are priority following the “therapeutic gradient”. The dental surgeon have to select the most appropriate treatment among abstention, remineralisation, bleaching, resin infiltration, micro-abrasion, macro-abrasion, composite resin stratification, veneers... But, how to make this choice? Which treatment can be combined? What are the protocols of each kind of solution to have successfull results and to put the smile back on our patients’ faces? We will present the different kinds of treatments with numerous case reports of our activity.
Learning objectives
- To know how to make the right diagnosis among the different enamel defects
- To understand the different designs of defects to choose the most suitable treatments
- To know how to manage each kind of aesthetic treatment