Graduate in 1995 from Aix-Marseille University in France. Master’s in biological and medical sciences In charge of education in endodontics at the same university from 1998 to 2009 Endodontic assistant in Aix-Marseille University from 2004 to 2009 ESE Certified Member Past President of the French Society for Endodontics Representative for external and international relationship for French Society for Endodontics National and international Speaker Autor and Co-autor on more than 10 national and international endodontic articles Private Practice in France

Endodontic Treatments for Permanent Immature Teeth

Immature teeth represent a real challenge in terms of protocols and outcome. One’s clinician concern is to preserve as long as possible the functionality of the considered teeth. All should be done to insure a good healing for the root, and over the endodontic field, to preserve a bone growing as good as possible during the growth. Different tools and technics (preserving vitality, use of apical plugs of bioceramic sealers, revitalization procedure) are available in such cases and require analysis to be used in the proper indications. The goal of this lecture is to decipher the best way to maintain a permanent immature tooth with a proven endodontic problem or even with a deep carie. Clinical examination and latest treatments based on approved protocols will be depicted.

Learning objectives

  • Choose better endodontic treatment for immature teeth
  • Update knowledge for revitalization procedure (including I-PRF)
  • Knowing how to use hydraulic cements for apical plug

Diagnosis of Apical Periodontitis: Evaluation, Analysis of Difficulties, Treatment Strategy

Apical lesions with endodontic origin represent extremely frequent dental pathologies. Indeed, their prevalence can reach more than 50% of treated teeth according to studies and constitute a real public health issue, and their presence is very often asymptomatic, so their diagnosis and treatment are all technical challenges for the dental surgeon. The challenge, once the lesion has been revealed, will be to deploy the most suitable method in order to bring the patient on the path to healing with maximum conservation. Each clinical case with which we are confronted is unique by many parameters: periodontal, prosthetic, endodontic, factors related to the patient and/or the practitioner…. We will try in this short conference to shed light on these different points to help the practitioner in his strategic choice of treatment.

Learning objectives

  • Diagnose and quantify apical endodontics lesions
  • Use clinical tools to evaluate difficulty
  • Choose the better strategy for healing success in Apical periodontitis treatment