Dr. Natifah Che Salleh, a Dental Public Health Specialist serves as the Director of the Oral Health Care Division of Oral Health Program at the Ministry of Health. Possessing dual Master's degrees in Community Dentistry and Statistical Epidemiology, she spearheads the strategic planning, execution, and assessment of initiatives encompassing oral health promotion, primary, community, and specialized care services, establishing intelligent partnerships with relevant stakeholders. Her role as a panelist at a Harvard symposium in 2023 highlighted Malaysia's advancements in integrating oral health policies to achieve universal coverage. Dr. Natifah actively contributes to surveys, conducts research, and publishes findings, presenting at local and international conferences. Notably, her proficiency in developing ICT policies facilitated the expansion of the Teleprimary Care - Oral Health Clinical Information System within government clinics, emphasizing innovative digital healthcare solution
Malaysia’s Path To Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
In South-East Asia, including Malaysia, oral diseases pose significant noncommunicable health challenges. The Oral Health Program of the Ministry of Health Malaysia initiated National Oral Health Plans (NOHP) in 2000 and 2010 to promote lifelong oral wellness. Surveys from 1997 to 2020 revealed persistent issues with dental caries and periodontal health. To achieve universal health coverage, Malaysia embarked on the Action Plan for Oral Health in South-East Asia 2022–2030, aligning with the six (6) strategic objectives (SO) of the Global Oral Health Plan 2022-2030. These actions include formulating the Malaysia National Oral Health Policy (NOHPol) in 2022, screening Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients, launching the School-based Smoking Prevention Program (KOTAK), establishing the School Dental Clinic Outreach Service, provision of oral healthcare services to indigenous populations, providing dental assistant training to prison medical staff, implementing fluoride varnish programs for 5-year-olds, using digital dentistry for improved services, advancing towards unified data collection systems in public dental facilities, and establishing the National Oral Health Research Initiatives
Learning objectives
- Understand the notable influence of oral diseases as widespread noncommunicable health issues, especially in the South-East Asia Region, including Malaysia.
- The development of the National Oral Health Policy (NOHPol) in 2022 highlights the focus on improving access to oral healthcare services and the integration of oral health with broader health policies to elevate awareness and leadership among policymakers and stakeholders.
- The significance of collaborating with private practitioners is emphasized.
- Illustrates the correlation between oral health and overall well-being through the promotion of comprehensive primary healthcare.
- Highlights initiatives to deter smoking among school children