I have been working at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry since 2011. My main areas of interest are oral surgery, oral implantology, orthognathic surgery, trauma, cysts and tumors of the jaws, subperiosteal custom-made implants. I have studies in various international journals in these fields. I am a member of Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Aesthetic and functional reconstruction of patients with advanced osteoporosis is still one of the controversial issues of oral surgery. In recent years, rehabilitation of cases with severe osteoporosis using personalized subperiosteal implants has come to the fore. In fact, the use of subperiosteal implants goes back to the 1940s. However, subperiosteal implants that have been used successfully for years; Due to the complexity of the manufacturing process, difficulties in obtaining residual bone measurement (direct bone measurement) and failures in prosthesis fit, they were eventually replaced by the endoosseous implants proposed by Branemark. As it is known, in cases with advanced bone resorption, various augmentation techniques such as iliac graft or autogenous grafting are used or zygoma implants are used before the use of endoosseous implants. Although the reconstruction of the jaw bones with the iliac grafting method is a successful method, it has some disadvantages such as the long treatment period; the impossibility of using a temporary prosthesis, having a second surgical site, and the patient's walking difficulties for a while. In cases of reconstruction with zygoma implants, patients have complaints about their prosthesis. In addition, infections from zygoma implants can cause severe oro-antral spaces.