He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry in 1987.
Since 2003, he has been conducting research on bruxism, nausea reflex, hypnoanesthesia, pedodontics and the use of hypnosis in anxious patients with increasing interest in dentistry.
Uslu, M. (2008) Bruxism and Hypnosis: Medical Hypnosis 1st Edition Oktay Matbaacılık Sayfa. 201-210
Uslu, M. (2015) Hypnosis in dentistry
Uslu,M (2021) Neuroscientific and clinical Approaches in Hypnosis / Chapter 13 Hypnotic Communication in Dentistry Chapter 13 / Page 195-217
He has been a member of the advisory board of Üsküdar University Traditional and Complementary Medicine Center since 2017.
He has been the president of Ankara Medical Hypnosis Association since 2019.
He has been an individual member of ESH (European Hypnosis Association) and ISH (International Hypnosis Association) since 2008.
He has given the following training since 2004:
Basic Hypnosis Training
Ericksonian Hypnosis and Communication Techniques
Hypnosis in Pedodontics
Advanced hypnosis techniques
In 2019, he made a case presentation on Nausea reflex and Hypnosis at the First Asian Hypnosis Association Congress, and gave a course on Erciksonian Hypnosis and communication techniques in Dentistry at the same congress.
He also gave conferences at various dentistry faculties in our country and Cyprus and made oral presentations at dentistry congresses.
He currently practices hypnosis in dentistry under a license in his own clinic, with the GETAT Hypnosis Unit approved by the Ministry of Health.

As an Art of Communication Hypnosis Course in Dentistry

In dentistry, clinical success requires knowledge of law, business management, as well as communication knowledge that will affect the psychology of patients and healthcare professionals. Successful communication not only increases patient tolerance but also transforms patient satisfaction into enthusiasm. Course training strategy: 1. What is Communication? 2. What is hypnosis? 3. Effective Communication techniques will be defined and explained practically with examples. During the course, interactive studies will be carried out, patient cases will be watched and discussed through videos

Learning objectives

  • Initiating hypnotic communication,
  • Teaching effective communication techniques,
  • Clinical change goals.