Personal Information

  • Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhsin Çifter
  • Date of Birth: 1979
  • Phone: +905323024155
  • Email:
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  • Graduate: Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 2001
  • PhD: Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, 2007

Career Information:
Currently continuing his career as an associate professor and faculty member at the Department of Orthodontics, Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry.

Research Areas:

  • Preprosthetic Orthodontics
  • Adult Orthodontics
  • Product Design in Orthodontics
  • Orthodontic Biomechanics

Strategic Orthodontic Planning: Role of Orthodontics in Multidisciplinary Approaches for Optimal Prosthetic Success

In modern dentistry, multidisciplinary treatment approach, including orthodontic interventions, plays an important role in the success of prosthetic restorations. In today's dental practice, it is often aimed not only to create a functional masticatory system but also to improve smile aesthetics. In this context, the orthodontic treatment phase contributes greatly to prosthetic success with right treatment strategy and sequence.

In multidisciplinary treatments, orthodontics is usually planned according to prosthodontic and periodontal needs, and unlike conventional treatments, it often needs to be performed in a limited time duration. The aim of pre-prosthetic orthodontic applications is to realize what is ideal for multidisciplinary treatment planning beyond what is orthodontically ideal. In this context, orthodontics contributes functionally and aesthetically to prosthodontic treatments with many different interventions such as augmentation of periodontal hard and soft tissues, preprosthetic organization of edentulous areas, realignment of teeth elongated into the antagonist space, correction of tooth axis inclinations, improvement of smile aesthetics, alignment of teeth and gingival margins.

In this presentation, the role of orthodontics in multidisciplinary approaches will be discussed through case examples. The presentation will include conventional orthodontic systems, systems supported by skeletal anchorage units, and clear aligner systems and will focus on the application areas, biomechanical properties, effectiveness levels and limitations of these systems.

Preprosthetic Orthodontics for Gaining Space and Uprighting Tilted Molars

In patients who have experienced tooth loss in the posterior region due to any reason, the ideal and optimal approach is to rehabilitate the space prosthetically or orthodontically as soon as possible. However, patients often seek clinical treatment long after tooth loss. Consequently, molars tilted towards extraction sites are commonly encountered in clinical practice. This situation leads to difficulties related to prosthetic rehabilitation.

The objective of this course is to provide the participants with knowledge and skills related to current biomechanical principals and orthodontic approaches for preprosthetic molar uprighting and space gaining. The course consists of theoretical and hands on practical sessions, covering basic molar uprighting and space gaining mechanics in both conventional and digital workflow formats.

Learning objectives

  • Biomechanical Principals of Molar Uprighting,
  • Space Gaining Mechanics Intraoral Scanning Practice Conventional,
  • Digital Treatment Workflows