In private practice in Hanover, Germany with his wife and assistant dentists, Dr Michael Sereny has a completed post-graduate studies, worked with national dental organisations for 27 years and he has been involved with FDI for 14 years, including co-authoring the FDI Ethics Manual 2 and Vision 2030.

Oral Health Observatory

The Oral Health Observatory (OHO) was launched in 2014 to generate standardized practice-based data on oral health, patients behaviours, healthcare needs, and the impact of oral health on quality of life in primary care. Data collection has been done in 12 countries, and 6 of them are at an advanced stage of data analysis. A few countries are reaching the stage of developing advopcacy and action plans based on the insights generated from the analyses of the collected data, such as India, Colombia and Lebanon. The country presentations will illustrate different stages of the process that lead to sustainable mechanisms of generating oral health data at national level to advise the programming and further advocacy effort. This session will discuss the OHO objectives and methodology, and how countries have planned advocacy uses for their data. An open discussion with participants will follow the presentation, and will act as an invitation to organize data collection in their countries, regardless whether there is a lack of national data on oral health or where outdated national surveys on oral health exist.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the importance of national oral health data collection
  • Learn how standardized data can easily be collected on dental practice or clinic level using a mobile app (Android or iOS)
  • Learn about data analysis from countries most advanced and some results
  • Learn from real country examples how OHO can lead to national oral health plans, campains and further individual tailored own national surveys and about the critical steps