Dental Surgeon
Specialist in Periodontics
Specialist in Implantology
Master in Teaching in Higher Education.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Andrés Bello University (Dental Biomaterials, Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry Courses)
Assistant Professor, Facuty of Dentistry, Viña del Mar University, Postitle of Surgical and Prosthetic Oral Implantology.
Clinical Director at Junge & Saiz Odontology
Scientific Reviewer of the Brazilian Dental Science Journal
President of the Chilean Society for Operative and Restorative Dentistry (SORCh)
A1, B2, C3? It doesn't matter with Unicromatic Composites; the Future is already here?
Composites constitute the vast majority of direct restorative procedures in the modern clinic. The evolution and simplification of adhesive techniques and materials, the increase in efficiency of photoactivating devices and improvements in resins in aesthetics, shine and polishing, have made this material the gold standard for use in both aesthetic alterations and transformations, as well as in restorative procedures on anterior and posterior teeth with a very high level of predictability and success.
The dental industry bursts into the market every year with new technologies, new materials to facilitate our work and reduce complications, offering more simplified and less sensitive techniques, faster procedures, but also more predictable, both in expert and inexperienced hands, all in pursuit of therapeutic success.
It seems that saving time has never been the guarantor of success in Dentistry, but it has, at least, from a commercial point of view.
Learning objectives
- A survey of information will be carried out regarding composite resins, their development and the advent of unichromatic composites on the market
- We will analyze the literature on monochromatic resins and see if they really are a contribution
- We will provide advice to get the maximum potential from them from personal experience
Rediscovering Implantology; Say Goodbye to the Screw and preangled Abutment Devices
Implantology has evolved enormously since Branemark's time. During more than 50 years, the industry linked to this specialty seeks constant improvement with the aim of ensuring not only the osseointegration of the dental implants, but also facilitating their installation and their consequent rehabilitation processes thanks to the different macro- and microstructure that the implant industry makes available to us, the possibility of not depending on a screw for the fixation of prosthetic devices to the implant connection and the possibility of angulation of cementable and screwable prosthetic abutments according to the need of each clinical case up to 20° with an specific folding device. This is today a reality thanks to the innovations realized in this field and where we are going to emphasize about the innovation, versatility, simplicity and reversibility that some dental implant systems offer in the market
Learning objectives
Some innovations that implantology makes available to us today will be reviewed during the activity based on the clinical experience of the exhibitor in the use off an specific dental implant system
Specific tips based on clinical experience will be provide for satisfactory results in your clinical practice using an innovative, simple, versatile and reversible dental implant philosophy
It will be develop the benefits of the angulation of prosthetic abutments according to the need of each clinical case up to 20° with an specific folding device
The non-dependence on screws for the fixation of cementable or screwable prosthetic devices will be explored in depth.