From 1998 until 2005 Professor Maciej Zarow taught at the Jagiellonian University where he defended his PhD and achieved specialisation in endodontics. He is the co- author of more than 100 scientific papers and author of a book called Endo-Prosthodontics: Guidelines for Clinical Practice. His second book Veneers has just been published in Polish and English version. 2012-2016: editor-in-chief of the Medycyna Praktyczna - Stomatologia. Since 2020 Prof. Zarow has been editor-in-chief of Polish edition of Quintessence Int. and an active member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, v-ce president of European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry and Country Chair Person of ESCD in Poland. Visiting Professor of University in Chieti (Italy) 2015-2016, lecturer for postgraduate master programs at UIC in Barcelona (since 2012), Prof. Zarow is a Honorary Member of Style Italiano since 2013 and Kois Centre Mentor (Seattle, USA) since 2021.

How to Restore Root Canal Treated Anterior Tooth?

Root Canal Treated tooth restoration can be very demanding for restorative dentist. Firstly, due to severe discolouration it can constitute an aesthetic problem. Secondly, due to structural problems it can create many restorative problems. Moreover when the loss of structure compromises the ferrule, the structural problem becomes complex and demands perio or ortho involvement. During the lecture many cases will be presented where internal bleaching, the decision making process towards composite or ceramic restoration, structural compromises and ferrule loss will be carefully discussed.

Learning objectives

  • When can we obtain an internal bleaching of RCCT?
  • When should we think about direct composite aesthetic restoration in case of RCCT?
  • Can we provide RCCT with porcelain veneers and what is their long term success
  • In case of full crown restorations what kind of preparation should we apply?
  • What is an indication to ortho crown lengthening ?

Direct Composite Complex Rehabilitation - Zero Preparation

Complex Rehabilitation of tooth wear problem was always connected to the significant removal of the tooth structure. In the past the prosthetic crowns or recently, less invasive indirect onlays were considered as treatment of choice in order to achieve new and stable occlusion. This expensive therapy was costly and reserved only for limited number of patients. The reason were many appointments and complex laboratory protocols. Recently we heard about additive dentistry with the possibility of direct composite application in case of tooth wear restorative therapy. This treatment, due to limited costs, opened an option for wider range of the dental practitioners and deffenitelly more patients could benefit from it. In this lecture the ABCD of direct composite complex rehabilitation will be presented. The lecturer will focus on predictable and repeatable protocols in order to learn how to :
- perform predictable treatment plan
- find, register and transfer the CR
- perform predictable transprent index
- perform "composite ball" reference point in order to stabilize index
- equilibrate occlusion
Based on many clinical cases the ABCD protocol will be meticulously explained

Learning objectives

  • What are the indications to use direct restorations in tooth wear therapy
  • How to find CR in easy and predictable way
  • How to perform stable index that will not slide during the restorative procedure
  • How to avoid composite excess, which is a common problem of index technique
  • How to equilibrate direct composite restorations