Dr. Lujain Alqodmani is the Director of Global Action and Project Portfolio at EAT and a member of EAT’s senior leadership. Lujain is responsible for implementation of EAT’s strategic goals, oversees all EAT’s projects and measures the overall organizational impact.

Lujain has a background in global health and medicine. Prior to joining EAT, she worked in various positions including serving as an emergency physician in Kuwait.

She is the President of the World Medical Association (WMA) for the term 2023-2024. She served as the co-chair of the WMA Environment Caucus and was the International Relations Director of Kuwait Medical Association. Prior to this, she served as Membership Director at Women in Global Health, a Regional Coordinator of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) and IFMSA’s Vice President for Internal Affairs.

Accelerating Health for all through Interprofessional Collaboration: WMA`s Perspectives

The global health landscape is changing. Worldwide, health systems are struggling to cope with the double burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. At the same time, diseases that were once eradicated are re-emerging, placing an additional burden on already strained health resources. The role of interprofessional collaboration in improving health systems efficiency and addressing weaknesses has become even more important for the achievement of health for all by 2030.

WMA has demonstrated commitment to interprofessional collaboration through its engagement within the World Health Professions Alliance. Participants at this meeting will learn about WMA`s perspective on interprofessional collaboration and the actions taken to promote this understanding within its membership.

Learning objectives

  • To learn WMA`s perspectives of the importance of interprofessional collaboration.
  • To highlight the enablers of interprofessional collaboration as presented in the WHPA Statement on IPC.
  • To share successful WMA-led interprofessional collaboration stories to inspire action and promote IPC understanding.