Professor of periodontology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada, and a visiting professor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Prof. Levin has published more than 300 articles and book chapters in international professional literature, receiving more than 14,000 scientific citations. In addition, he has lectured internationally in the fields of dental implants and periodontal diseases. Prof. Levin serves as the Editor-in Chief of Dental Traumatology, Associate Editor for the International Dental Journal, Scientific Associate Editor for the Quintessence International and an Editorial Board Member and a manuscript reviewer for some of the leading international professional Journals in the fields of periodontology, dental implants, dental trauma and general dentistry. He is currently the President of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) and was chairing the 2020 IADT dental trauma guidelines committee.