Dr. Merdad is a professor in Endodontic department at faculty of dentistry, King Abdulaziz University. Currently, he is a present of the Saudi endodontic society and associate editor of Saudi Endodontic journal. He was the former chairman of the Saudi Endodontic council and former chairman of Endodonric department at king Abdulaziz university. He graduated from university of Toronto with a Master degree in Endodontics. In 2006 he become a fellow of the royal collage of dental surgeon of Canada. In 2009, he obtained a second master degree in cariology and restorative form university of Gutenberg in Sweden; he received his PhD in Endodontic from the same university in 2011. He has published several articles in peer-reviewed international journals and has lectured internationally to numerous dental organizations.

Think outside the traditional endodontic box

Endodontics, the branch of dentistry focused on the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of teeth, has traditionally been approached with a certain set of tools and techniques. However, in the ever-evolving field of dentistry, it is important for professionals to think outside the traditional endodontic box in order to provide the best possible care for their patients. Thinking outside the traditional endodontic box involves questioning conventional practices and seeking out new, evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment. This may involve incorporating the latest technology and research findings into one's practice, as well as being open to new ideas and innovations in the field.

Learning objectives

  • Recognize that diagnosis and treatment planning for pulpal and periapical conditions should be part of a broader examination and treatment plan.
  • Understand the reasons for determining the consensus among clinicians worldwide to diagnose the pulp and periapical conditions.
  • Understand the importance of new diagnostic terms and modifications in the current terms to establish more reliable diagnostic terminology that will facilitate communication between clinicians.
  • Conduct comprehensive examinations of both hard and soft tissues using advanced multiplanar imaging: CBCT to diagnose and follow-up odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract referred from medical clinics.
  • Distinguish case scenarios and treatment management with follow-up customized to each case.

Management of discolored endodobtically treated anterior teeth: A conservative approach

The restorative concept in endodontic practice has been changed dramatically with the presence of the new technology and materials in addition to the better understanding of researche outcomes. Restoration of discolored anterior (Endodonticaly Treated Teeth ) ETT will be discussed in a multidisciplinary conservative approach. The lecture will cover the entire concept starting from case selection up to the comprehensive management of difficult cases. The ultimate goal of this lecture is to present a biomimetic modern concept in restoring discolored anterior ETT from “A to Z” through specialist’s vision.

Learning objectives

  • identify the causes of non vital anterior teeth discoloration
  • describe various clinical solutions and outcomes to overcome discoloration
  • describe optical properties to overcome the aesthetic problem
  • demonstrate step by step the “inside-out” composite layering technique
  • apraise the usage of fiber post