Dr. Stibal graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc. In the final year of his studies, he completed a study stay at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), and subsequently joined the STOMMA clinic in Mikulov, where he continues to work to this day.

His main focus is on the prosthetic phase of treatment for complex cases, treated in collaboration with orthodontists and implantologists. He´s a certified member of the Czech Academy of Dental Esthetics, and a member of ITI.

Dr. Stibal is the author and co-author of numerous lectures, courses, and professional articles on the topic of non-carious tooth defects and interdisciplinary collaboration.

He’s finalist in the ITI World Series 2024.

Interdisciplinary Therapy in Adolescents and Young Adults with Developmental Dental Disorders

Multiple agenesis (oligodontia) and other developmental dental disorders are very rare dental anomalies with a prevalence of less than 1%. However, their presence represents a serious problem for the patient, as the absence of a significant number of teeth in the dentition is not only an aesthetic problem but also a significant functional problem. A complex aspect of treating these cases involves determining an optimal treatment plan, which typically involves interdisciplinary collaboration between an orthodontist, surgeon, and prosthodontist. Due to the patient's young age, alternatives to implant treatment must be considered. By utilizing the procedures offered through interdisciplinary collaboration and by appropriately timing the treatment, we are able to reconstruct dentition in even exceptionally complicated and complex cases among adolescents and young adults. This approach not only limits the social and societal handicap posed by missing teeth but also provides a permanent, functional, and biologically optimal solution.

Learning objectives

  • Highlight the possibilities offered by interdisciplinary cooperation between various fields of dentistry.
  • Familiarize the audience with alternatives to conventional prosthetic and implantological treatments, as the use of these may not be suitable or even possible in certain clinical situations.
  • Demonstrate that as dental professionals, we are capable of positively changing people's lives.