Prof. Ingrid Różyło-Kalinowska is specialist in radiology and diagnostic imaging, Head of the Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiodiagnostics as well as vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medical Dentistry of the Medical University of Lublin, Poland and member of the Senate of the University.
She is the Past President of the European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, Regional Director of International Association of Dentomaxillofacial in Europe, Board Member and the Chairman of the Section of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology of the Polish Dental Association.
She is the Editor-in-Chief of the “Journal of Stomatology”, the official journal of the Polish Dental Association.
She is author of scientific papers, conference abstracts, keynote lectures, textbooks in English and Polish, PhD supervisor and reviewer in Poland and abroad.
Imaging Diagnostics in Geriatric Patients
The number and proportion of people aged 65 and over in the human population are increasing. This means that more and more elderly individuals are dental patients, often requiring imaging diagnostics. Although not all geriatric patients are frail, special attention must be paid to such persons in diagnostic imaging labs. Also balance between overdiagnosis and subsequent overtherapy has always to be kept in mind. The aim of the lecture is to present problems related to imaging in diagnostics of geriatric population. There will be discussed issues encountered in taking radiographs and Cone-Beam CT scans in the elderly such as problems in positioning, lack of patient cooperation, involuntary movements resulting in motion artifacts. Current status of knowledge on exposure dose in the elderly in comparison with younger patients subjected to diagnostic imaging based on ionizing radiation will be discussed. There will be presented radiographic appearances of pathologies most often encountered in diagnostic images of senile patients.
Learning objectives
- To learn about the problems encountered in taking radiographs and Cone-Beam CT scans in the elderly
- To understand the exposure dose in geriatric population derived from diagnostic imaging in dentistry
- To learn radiographic appearances of pathologies most often encountered in diagnostic images of senile patients
Sinonasal Pathologies made Easy
Although paranasal sinuses are not directly related to dentistry, the increasing use of diagnostic imaging such as radiography and Cone-Beam computed tomography, as well as introduction of bone augmentation procedures in dental implantology, make knowledge on sinonasal pathologies indispensable in dental professional curriculum. The aim of the lecture is to discuss diagnostic imaging methods applied in oral radiology that produce images of paranasal sinuses. There will be presented radiographic and cross-sectional anatomy of sinuses with highlight on anatomic variants that are relevant for dental diagnosis and treatment. Most common sinonasal pathologies observed by means of imaging will be discussed together with a pictorial essay and clues on differential diagnosis.
Learning objectives
- To understand diagnostic imaging methods applied in oral radiology that produce images of paranasal sinuses
- To learn radiographic and cross-sectional anatomy of sinuses as well as anatomic variants that are relevant for dental diagnosis and treatment
- To understand diagnostic imaging appearances of the most common sinonasal pathologies
USG Hands-on Course
The course will consist of introductory lecture on basics of ultrasound, followed by live demonstration of technique of examination and normal ultrasound anatomy of the head and neck. In the lecture there will be discussed such issues as: use of ultrasound waves in generation of diagnostic image, equipment necessary to perform ultrasound examination of the head and neck, types of ultrasound images, application of ultrasound in diagnostic workflow for dentists. In the third part the participants will be divided in smaller groups for hands on part of the course.
Learning objectives
- To understand the basics of ultrasound as imaging modality in dental practice.
- To learn normal ultrasound anatomy of the head and neck.
- To understand how to perform ultrasound examination of the head and neck.