Dr. medic. Henriette Lerner PhD, FDS RCS, specialist in oral surgery, focusing on implantology and aesthetics, in Baden Baden, Germany. She is the owner and director of HL Dentclinic and Academy in Baden-Baden, Germany, an academic clinical, teaching and research facility of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, in Frankfurt on Main, Germany. Dr. Lerner is the Past President of the Digital Dentistry Society International (DDS) She has a Doctor of Philosophy on the topic of Digital Dentistry.She is visiting Professor at Universiapolis , International University of Agadir . She is Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow.She contributed at the development of 2 implant systems, dental Apps and surgical instruments.

Digital Workflow in Full Arch Rehabilitations

The Full Arch Implant Digital Workflow represents a paradigm shift in implant dentistry, harnessing cutting-edge digital technologies to optimise accuracy and aesthetic outcomes in complex full arch implant rehabilitations.The lecture will present the digital workflow in full arch rehabilitations from the perspective of parameters of accuracy and aesthetics from the moment of planning to the final delivery , following the 4 steps: "Scan, Plan, Make Done."

Learning objectives

  • Evaluate and define the implant placement accuracy parameters
  • Assess the accuracy parameters in the manufacturing of the provisional and final prosthetic rehabilitation
  • Asess and explain the aesthetic parameters in the digital planning

White, Integrative, Digital Implant Dentistry

Digital Dentistry embraces new technologies for precise outcome.Integrative dentists believe oral health and overall health share a deep connection. Not only does an oral health issue affect the body, but poor body health can, in turn, affect the patient’s oral health. All the body’s systems work together. An integrative dentist treats oral health within the context of the body’s health. These trends are contouring the future of Dentistry.

Learning objectives

  • Defining the new parameters of oral health
  • Symbiosis of digital and Integrative aspects in modern dentistry
  • Clinical and scientific background for defining new parameters in oral health