In 2008, he received his Master of Science (MSc) and clinical specialization certificate in Cariology and Restorative Dentistry from Gothenburg University, Sweden. In 2010, he awarded the PhD in Cariology from the same University. In addition, he got a Master in health professions Education (MHPE) at King Abdulaziz University in collaboration with University of Illinois at Chicago, United States in 2021. Dr Helal held the position of an Associate Professor at Restorative Department, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University. Currently, Dr Helal is appointed as the Scientific Council Chairman of the Saudi Board in Restorative Dentistry at Saudi Commission for health specialties (SCFHS), Saudi Arabia. Moreover, He is a board member of the Executive Council of training and education in the same organization. He is a senior member at the European Organization for Caries Research (ORCA). He has several publications in many scientific journals and many registered patents in United stat

Multidisciplinary Management of Discolored Endodontically Treated Anterior Teeth: A Bespoke Clinical Approach

Generally, the discoloration (dyschromia) of endodontically treated anterior teeth (ETT) or even before treatment can lead to a big aesthetic unpleasant issue for patients. In fact, it is considered a challenge for the dentist as well. There are various causes of tooth dyschromia, and a proper diagnosis is the pillar of solving the issue. The diagnosis and the reasons behind tooth dyschromia will be highlighted. The restorative concept in endodontic practice has changed dramatically with the presence of new technology and materials, in addition to a better understanding of research outcomes. Restoration of discolored anterior ETT will be discussed based on the diagnosis and the use of material optical properties in a multidisciplinary approach using up-to-date literature, combined with tips and tricks in clinical practice. The lecture will cover the entire concept, starting from case selection up to the comprehensive management of difficult cases. Moreover, a technique called “inside-out” composite layering will be elucidated and appraised. The ultimate goal of this lecture is to present a modern, biomimetic concept in restoring discolored anterior ETT from “A to Z” thro

Learning objectives

  • Identify the causes of non vital anterior teeth discoloration Identify the clinical steps in root canal treatment to avoid future discoloration
  • Describe various clinical solutions and outcomes based on diagnosis to overcome tooth discoloration
  • Describe the material optical properties in restoration to overcome the esthetic problem
  • Describe the non-vital bleaching procedure and its limitations
  • Demonstrate step by step the “inside –out” composite layering technique

Ergonomic in Dentistry: Enhance your Practice Style

Dentists and dental team spend many hours a day assuming physically stressful body postures as they provide oral health care. Accordingly, they are prone to neck, back and hands pain. Eventually, and with ignorance, it will lead to “Musculoskeletal disorder” (MSD’s). Ergonomics is the way to work smarter, more efficiently with less effort and discomfort to the human body. Upon completion of this lecture, attendees should be able to identify and define most frequent musculoskeletal disorders affecting dental professionals and the risk factors that contribute to it. They can also distinguish proper selection and use of instruments and equipment. Moreover, they will demonstrate stable, healthy sitting positions and movement preventive strategies to minimize injury. Lastly, they will be familiar with some the stretching exercises that might lower the risk of MSD’s.

Learning objectives

  • Explain the concept of dental ergonomics
  • Explain the dental risk factors that contribute to Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD’s)
  • Describe the MSD’s preventive strategies
  • Distinguish proper selection and use of instruments and equipment
  • Explain and demonstrate stable, healthy sitting positions and movement strategies to minimize injury