- Associate Professor, Digital Dentistry, Sechenov First State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation; Lecturer, University of Hong Kong, China; University of Lyon, France; University of Fez, Morocco;
- Editor-in Chief, Digital Dentistry Section, Journal of Dentistry (impact factor 4.4; citescore 7.0);
- Member of the Board of Directors (2022- 23) and President Elect (2024- 25), Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) International;
- Scientific Editor, DDS MAG;
- Scientific Editor, DentalTech, Infodent;
- Director of the Mangano Digital Academy (MDA);
- Author of 140 publications on international Pubmed indexed journals and high impact factor;
- H index 51 (Google Scholar), 38 (Scopus);
- He works as a freelance in Gravedona (Como), devoting himself exclusively to Digital Dentistry.

The Secrets Behind Successful Digital Implant Impressions

In the full arch implant impression, the use of intraoral scanners is still considered a challenge. However, today the use of intraoral scanners in full arch implant scanning is possible, provided the operator is familiar with the key factors in determining the quality of the impression. These factors are:
1. the intrinsic accuracy of the scanner;
2. the scanning strategy and operator experience;
3. the number, position, inclination and depth of the implants;
4. the environmental conditions;
5. the type of scanbody chosen;
6. the congruence between scanbody mesh and implant library.
In this lecture, the speaker will report on all these factors, and their influence in determining the final quality of the impression.

Learning objectives

  • Show how intraoral scanners can be used for the full arch implant impression
  • Understand the effects of the different variables on the final precision of the full arch implant supported restoration
  • Show the evidence emerging from the literature on the current topic

Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in Implant Planning

Today, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) it is possible to use cloud-based software, capable to return the clinician, in a few minutes and at very low cost, the entire set of 3D files of the patient (derived from intraoral, face and CBCT scanning); these files are perfectly aligned and segmented, in standard tesselletion language (STL) format. The use of 3D files in STL format, combined with modern virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) systems, opens a new path, giving the clinician the possibility to plan dental implant therapies in an authentic 3D environment, using holograms.

Learning objectives

  • Show the use of Artificial Intelligence in daily dental implant practice
  • Show how to use Augmented Reality for dental implant planning
  • Show a complete digital workflow to solve clinical cases with Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality