Figen Seymen graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul University, Türkiye, and obtained a Ph.D. degree and MSc degree from the same University and became a Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2002. She has more than 34 years of experience in Academics in all aspects of dental education, didactic, clinical/patient care, and research mentoring for both MS and Ph.D. students. She has lectured as an invited speaker and has participated in many presentations at congresses and continuous education courses. She is a member of various International Scientific Societies and Associations. Between 2014 and 2017 she was the head of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry at Istanbul University. In 2014 she was elected as President of the Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry and still she is continuing to serve as the President. She served as President of the Association of Mediterranean Societies of Pediatric Dentistry between 2014-2018.

IAPD Educational Activities

IAPD provides many forms of educational services to all its members and member countries. These are the Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations, online webinars, and video lectures centre. The IAPD Fellowship to advance knowledge of Paediatric Dentistry worldwide and inspire a lifetime pursuit of learning to improve child oral health. An IAPD's mission is to be a global resource for evidence-based dental care for children. The Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations developed by the IAPD Science Committee are intended to be an up-to-date resource and guidance for the current understanding of pediatric dental practices. IAPD members have a chance to join live webinars by guest speakers on a range of issues and through the IAPD Video Lecture Centre, the IAPD makes the most of technology to ensure continuing education. The IAPD Fellowship is a highly respected program that targets pediatric and general dentists committed to serving children globally. The program signifies that the Fellow possesses cutting-edge, internationally recognized knowledge of pediatric dentistry and remains dedicated to continuous professional development and the field's advancement.

Learning objectives

  • To learn about the Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations of IAPD.
  • To learn about IAPD Live Webinars and video Lecture centre.
  • To learn about the IAPD Fellowship.