Dr. Ender Kazazoğlu graduated in 1984 from the University of Marmara Dental School, Istanbul, Turkey. He received his Ph.D. degree from The London Hospital Medical College in February 1991, London, England. At the beginning of 1993, Dr. Kazazoglu started to work as a lecturer in the field of prosthetics at the University of Marmara Dental School, Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Kazazoglu worked as an editor in numerous journals chief editor for the Turkish part of the Journal of Balkan Stomatology, Member of the editorial board of J. Yeditepe Clinic, between 2010-2018 Member of the editorial board of International J. Prosthodontics. Dr. Kazazoglu has supervised 12 MSc and 31 PhD theses and published 116 articles in international and national journals, lectured at 78 national and 16 international conferences in various countries. Recently Dr. Kazazoglu became president of the Balkan Dental Association My main research topics are Gerodontology, Dental materials, Aesthetics and Implantology.
Important points of immediate loading
Indeed, we have a great achievement for implant treatments of fully or partially edentate patients using Prof. Branemark's protocol (1974). We are living in a world where everything is going so fast. Therefore, as dentists, we change our treatment protocols in almost every field according to these new trends. For today, we are encouraged to replace the restorations immediately after implant surgery by implant manufacturers and patients. However, this type of treatment needs a certain type of experience and knowledge. I will discuss to find out the answer to the following two topics: Immediate loading is an applicable treatment for everyone and passive impression plays a key role at the immediate loading. I will also present the results of 72 patients’ complications we faced and the success we achieved on average 38 months later.
Learning objectives
- Importance of Impression
- Loading strategy of implants
- Importance of occlusion