I was born in Diyarbakır/Dicle. I graduated from Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry in 1993 and completed my doctoral study in the Department of Prosthodontics of the same faculty in 1999. I was appointed as Associate Professor in 2006 and as Professor in 2013. I am currently teaching Implantology, Fixed Prostheses, TMJ Disorders and Occlusion, postgraduate and specialist courses in the same department.
I give training seminars and conferences on topics titled “Adhesive Bridges and Clinical Applications”, “Use of Polyethylene Fibers in Prosthetic Dentistry”, “Current Approaches in Implantology”, “Basic Implant Training”, I give training seminars and conferences on topics titled “Adhesive Bridges and Clinical Applications”, “Use of Polyethylene Fibers in Prosthetic Dentistry”, “Current Approaches in Implantology”, “Basic Implant Training”, “Planning in Implant Prostheses from Single Crown to Full Mouth Restorations”, “Abutment Selection and Restorative Materials in Implant-supported Prostheses”, "Implant-supported Prostheses in Edentulous Patients" and "Creating an emergency profile in implant-supported dentures".
I am a member of the editorial board in Journals of SDU Faculty of Dentistry, DU Faculty of Dentistry, VYYU Faculty of Dentistry, AydU Faculty of Dentistry and Turkey Clinics Journal of Dental Sciences. I serve as a reviewer in Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, European Journal of Dentistry, Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, International Dental Research, Medical Science and Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice.
I am a member of the Turkish Prosthodontics and Implantology Association.

Effects of Impression Technique and Abutment Selection on Passive Fit and Clinical Success of Implant-supported Fixed Prostheses

Passive fit is defined as the prosthetic restoration providing precise surface contact with the support abutment, not creating static forces in the abutment and surrounding bone tissues, and distributing the functional forces appropriately.

It is more possible to achieve passive fit in fixed and removable prosthetic restorations supported by natural teeth. However, it is not possible to prepare implant-supported prosthetic restorations with absolute passive fit. During the construction phases of implant-supported prostheses, it should be aimed to prevent possible complications by ensuring passive fit at the highest level.

Passive fit is affected by all stages, from placement of implants to completion of the prosthetic restoration. The most striking of these stages are the choice of the impressions technique and abutment. As a result of the development of digital technologies in dentistry in recent years, many alternative products are offered to dentists in both impression techniques and implant abutment selection. Choosing the right technique and material will prevent biological and mechanical problems that may arise during clinical use. The position of the implants is an important criterion in these preferences. For this reason, treatment plans should be made in accordance with the concept of "final prosthetic restoration-oriented implantology" instead of "existing bone-oriented implantology".

In this presentation, the problems and solutions that may arise as a result of the effects of our impression technique and abutment choices on passive fit and clinical success will be explained, accompanied by clinical cases.