She graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2004. In 2006, she started her PhD studies at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Dental Diseases and Treatment. By winning the Continental European Division of the International Association of Dental Research (CED.IADR) Visiting Scholar Stipend given by the CED.IADR in 2008, with the project titled 'In vitro evaluation of shear bond strength of porcelain laminate veneers to dental hard tissues', she worked in the research laboratories of the Restorative Dentistry Department of the Ludwig Maximillians University Faculty of Dentistry in Munich, Germany, for 7 months between March and October 2009. During the same period, she carried out the work on the project 'Effect of adhesive cements on masking ability and contrast ratios of two types of porcelain laminate veneers' with a TÜBİTAK overseas research scholarship. In 2011, she completed her PhD at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Dental Diseases and Treatment, with her thesis titled "The effect of using different resin cements on the shear bond strength in the adhesion of porcelain laminate veneers to enamel, dentin and enamel-dentin complex". She was appointed and titled as Assistant Professor in 2012, Associate Professor in 2017, and full time Professor in 2023. She currently works as a faculty member at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry Department, and teaches dental photography at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the same faculty. She has 22 international publications focusing on anterior and posterior aesthetic applications, deep dentin caries, dental biomaterials and CAD/CAM applications. She speaks English, German and French. She is married and the mother of one child.

Dental Photography in Clinical Practice

This course consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part of the course, participants will be informed about what dental photography is and a brief introduction will be made. Then, technical information will be given about the equipment required for dental photography and how to use this equipment. In the practical application part of the course, participants will pair up and take smile and portrait photos of each other.

Learning objectives

  • Participants; 1. Define dental photography, 2. Recognize the equipment and technical settings used in dental photography, 3. Practice intraoral and extraoral photography.