Dr. David Palombo is a research fellow and PhD candidate at the University of Madrid, with a profound interest for translational research in the fields of microsurgery, microscopy, tissue regeneration, and peri-implant biology.

His PhD thesis is focused on a preclinical histometrical, immune histochemical and microCT analysis, which compares tissue healing around implants with a convergent or parallel transmucosal profile.

In the past years, he completed his clinical and research training through externships within the following universities: Harvard School of Dental Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Loma Linda, Université Paris Descartes.

Hard and Soft Tissues Deficiencies Around Dental Implants: How to Treat and When to Start Over

Hard and soft tissues deficiencies around dental implants are nowadays increasingly prevalent conditions which may affect the function, clensability and aesthetics of an implant-supported rehabilitation.
 The aim of the lecture is to define the current objectives of implant therapy, to describe a diagnostic algorithm for peri-implant tissues deficiencies, and to assess treatment strategies for different clinical scenarios, from pure mucogingival approaches, up to implant extractions, bone reconstructions, and the delivery of new implant supported rehabilitations.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the objectives of modern implant therapy and understand the optimal thought process and timeline of a rehabilitative treatment plan, restoring health, function and aesthetics.
  • Acquire a multidisciplinary, prosthetically driven perspective, in the diagnosis and prognosis of peri-implant tissues deficiencies.
  • Gain insight in the treatment of peri-implant tissue deficiencies, from simpler cases solved with pure mucogingival interve