Corrado Paganelli DDS, MD is currently chair of the Board of IFDEA (International Federation of Dental Educators and Associations) and FEHDD (Forum of European Heads and Deans of Dental Schools), Former President CECDO (Council of European Chief Dental Officers) and ADEE (Association for Dental Education in Europe) and ICD (International College of Dentists). Dean of dental school / clinic, and previously hygienist school and orthodontic program, Erasmus coordinator and Rector delegate for Erasmus and European Institutions at University of Brescia – Italy. Past President of IADR Nutrition group. He also chairs the dental expert panel (Expamed) for the EU Commission of the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices

Orthodontics of Special Care Patients

Special care has to be taken into account for patients affected by many medical and therapeutical conditions (juvenile idiopathic arthritis e.g.) or leaving longer and better with psychological situation demanding a particular kind of orthodontic treatment. Even a different timing of our planned activity is more and more frequent in our daily management of orthdontic patients

Learning objectives

  • To know the epidemiology of special care patients treatments
  • To understand the pathology based needs influencing the development of interdisciplinary requirements for orthodontics
  • To adapt approach to interdisciplinary team in day by day practice

Metal Free Orthodontics

Patients are frequently asking for aligners techniques, but it is not the only metal free option for the orthodontist. We have to enlarge our tools options as quite often patients are undergoing MR investigations or present metal allergic reactions. Contemporary technology is offering wider perspective to the clinician

Learning objectives

  • To know evolution of materials in aligner and in technology in orthodontics
  • To adapt to new modalities of material selection
  • To drive the change of the profession with CAD CAM technology