He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry in 1991. In the same year, he started his doctorate education at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. He completed his doctorate in 1996. He became an associate professor at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry in 2003, and a professorship in 2008. In 2013, within the framework of ERASMUS, at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry, “Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Surgery Systems; He gave lectures on "Using Principles, Indications, Advantages and Disadvantages". He is a member of European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), International Team for Implantology (ITI), Turkish Periodontology Association (TPD), Osseointegration Academy Association (OSSADER), Turkish Dental Association (TDB) and Ankara Chamber of Dentists (ADO). He works as an academy member (fellow) in the ITI association, which provides implantology education at an international level.

Decision Process in the Treatment of Periodontal Diseases; The Dilemma of Giving Up or Saving the Tooth.

The dilemma between preserving natural teeth by performing the necessary periodontal treatments or placing implants instead of these teeth has always been a difficult decision for clinicians because implants are not a material that can replace teeth, but should be considered as an important option in the treatment of mandatory tooth loss. The main purpose of periodontal treatments is to ensure that natural teeth are preserved in a healthy, functional and aesthetically acceptable condition for a long time. However, when considering the protection of teeth, both patients and clinicians must be willing for tooth preservation. In recent years, the Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) method has started to be applied for the treatment and long-term protection of teeth with periodontal disease, and successful results have been obtained. The aim of this conference is to evaluate which factors should guide the decision about preserving or extracting teeth with periodontal problems whose prognosis is questionable and to discuss which methods and treatment procedures can be effective when it is decided to preserve the teeth.

Learning objectives

  • They learn the prognosis of a periodontally destructed tooth and how the prognosis should be evaluated
  • They learn how to decide on the extraction of teeth with periodontal problems and what reconstructive surgeries can be performed after tooth extraction
  • They learn how to keep the teeth with periodontal problems as healthy following the periodontal treatments for a long time
  • They learn the details of the guided biofilm therapy method for both treatment and protection of teeth with periodontal problems

Success Criteria and Management of Complications in Alveolar Bone Augmentation

The expected result of regenerative surgical intervention is to obtain sufficient bone volume for ideal implant placement and to ensure the construction of a restoration. Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) technique, which has been proven to provide satisfactory bone volume in which implants can be placed in defective alveolar bone areas, is one of the basic treatment methods for implant dentistry. Obtaining predictable results in GBR surgery is possible with the use of ideal biomaterials with the correct methods. For this purpose, the wound area should be closed primarily without any tension, adequate blood flow and angiogenesis should be ensured in the graft area, epithelium and gingival connective tissue should be excluded from the area and a space should be created for regeneration. However, complications during and after surgery are common and can sometimes cause serious difficulties. In this conference, the factors affecting the success of the GBR method, appropriate surgical planning, appropriate technique and material selection, and how to technically perform the surgical procedure will be discussed in order to reduce or prevent complications that may arise.

Learning objectives

  • They learn the philosophy of Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) technique.
  • They learn how to decide whether to perform the GBR method with implants or staged surgery.
  • They learn predictable and evidence based biomaterials used in GBR methods.
  • They learn basic principles in GBR method to obtain successful and satisfied results.
  • They learn how to manage the GBR complicaitons.