Graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2008. He got the 'PhD' degree in 2015. Currently working as an 'Associate Professor’ at Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry. He has many international scientific publications about restorative dentistry and has performed more than 150 international and national lectures and hands-on courses since 2012 regarding the topics of direct anterior composite restorations, direct/indirect posterior composite and cad/cam restorations, clinical dental photography, and prerestorative clear aligners.
He wrote the 'Composite Restorations in Anterior Esthetics' book which was published by Quintessence International in 2022. It was translated in Turkish (best-seller/2022), English, and Portuguese till now. He is a member of GC Europe Restorative Advisory Board. He is an official Invisalign Provider. He is also a lecturer and one of the key opinion leaders of Tokuyama, Hu-Friedy Group, and Align Tech.
Complications in Anterior Composite Restorations: Clinical Tips for Solutions
The functional durability as well as the final esthetic outcome play an important role in the restorations in the anterior esthetic zone. To succeed in anterior composite restorations, a clinician must succeed in several clinical steps such as case indication, restorative material selection, field isolation, minimally invasive preparation, the layering technique, and surface polishing procedures.
This lecture will provide the clinical musts of composite restorations in the anterior esthetic area in a different way. It is a well-known fact that learning from mistakes and viewing them as positive experiences may help to increase clinicians' self-confidence and reduce the rate of future failures. Accordingly, in this lecture, the most common complications and failures in anterior composite restorations will be discussed through clinical cases. The reasons for failure will be investigated and possible clinical solutions will be suggested.
Learning objectives
- The clinician knows how to avoid clinical complications in anterior composite restorations
- The clinician can provide solutions clinically when confronting complications in anterior composite restorations and can use alternative techniques efficiently in the clinic
- The clinician can compare and distinguish the restorative instruments and resin composites, regarding the anterior restorations, and can use these equipments efficiently in the clinic
Color Matching in Anterior Composite Restorations: Clinical Tips for Success and Reasons for Failure
Esthetic demands as well as the minimally invasive treatment preferences of the patients led to direct composite materials to be selected more often for the anterior restorations today. As a result of the recent advancements in mechanical and optical properties of these materials, clinicians are able to provide highly esthetic as well as long-lasting direct restorations in a relatively short period of time. Shade-matching with the natural dental tissues is very important to succeed in anterior composite restorations, that meet the esthetic demands of the patients. The restorative steps such as material selection, shade selection, layering technique, and finishing procedure should be performed in a proper way to obtain optimal shade matching, clinically. Otherwise, the possible shade-matching problems may probably lead to the total renewal of the restoration. This lecture is about the clinical tips to obtain optimal shade-matching in anterior composite restorations. The clinical tips will be discussed in detail through the case presentations and reasons for failure and possible solutions will also be described.
Learning objectives
- The clinician can apply the composite shade selection procedures correctly in the clinic
- The clinician figures out the factors related to the composite shade mismatch and the possible clinical ways to avoid it
- The clinician selects the proper resin-based composite material for the case and applies the composite correctly during the restorative procedure, to succeed in shade-matching
Generating Natural Dental Morphology in Anterior Composite Restorations: Analyze and Imitate Concept
Direct resin composite resin restorations are one of the best options in anterior teeth regarding minimally invasive adhesive dentistry. Following various pre-restorative procedures, these restorations can even be performed without any preparation. Correct indication, efficient isolation, successful adhesion, proper layering technique, detailed polishing procedures, and frequent recalls are the main necessities for long-lasting direct anterior restorations. Additionally, in terms of esthetic and functional dentistry, generating a natural dental morphology is also needed for direct full or partial veneers. The dental morphology consists of primary, secondary, and tertiary morphologies and can be provided either during the layering or surface finishing procedures depending on the selected layering concept. In additive layering, the morphology was generated usually with a composite brush without providing an over-contour, while in subtractive layering, it was generated by surface reduction with burs.
This lecture discusses the types and importance of generating natural dental morphology in restorative dentistry and the alternative restorative techniques to provide it correctly.
Learning objectives
- The clinician can analyze the natural dental anatomy in detail
- The clinician can apply the surface primary, secondary, and tertiary morphologies correctly on the anterior composite restorations
- The clinician can use various restorative instruments and types of equipment needed to provide an effective surface morphology on the anterior composite restorations