Berza (SEN) YILMAZ graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2007 and received her Ph.D. degree in Orthodontics at the same institution in 2013. Since 2014, she is a specialist and a clinical advisor at Bezmialem Vakif University, Department of Orthodontics, in Istanbul-Turkey. She is a lecturer at both under- and post-graduate orthodontic programs.

She is interested in the treatment of both growing and adult Class III malocclusion cases, orthognathic surgery and clinical orthodontics. She is a member of the Turkish Orthodontics Society, Turkish Aligner Society, European Orthodontic Society, European Aligner Society, and World Federation of Orthodontists.

Orthodontic Treatment of Diastema

Spacing between anterior teeth can arise from a variety of etiological factors, including heredity, iatrogenic issues, and periodontal problems. This condition frequently prompts patients to seek treatment for aesthetic complaints. Within the scope of this presentation, the ideal tooth-jaw size harmony, in which cases it would be appropriate to close the spacing with orthodontic treatment, and the situations in which the spaces should be arranged for restoration will be discussed. Furthermore, the retention protocol specific for diastema cases will be discussed as it impacts the long-term stability of the orthodontic outcome.