Centro Comercial Los Geranios, C-3. Urb. La Boyera. Caracas 1083 Telf.. +58 414 9337477 Mail:
- Born in Caracas Venezuela Nov,21st 1953
- Graduated in Dentistry at the Universidad Central Venezuela 1980.
- Fellowship of Basis in Oral Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan EE. UU.
- Specialist in Implantology of ESI Barcelona Spain and Ceyesov, Veracruz Mexico.
- Professor of the Management in Private Dentistry in Pre-degree of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Santa Maria, Caracas Venezuela.
- Professor in the Master of Dental Implants at the Universidad Santa Maria, Caracas Venezuela.
- Guest Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Oral Surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry in Universidad Central de Venezuela.
- Guest Professor at the ESI Institute Superior Studies of Implantology Barcelona Spain
- Guest lecturer at The Ceyesov University Veracruz Mexico
- Guest Professor at the Faculty of Odontology of the
In search of the Holy Grail”: How to Avoid Implant Mucostis and Peri-implantitis
The scientific evidence of recent years is evaluating the interrelationships between the state of health and tissue disease peri-implant and the implant-abutment-prosthesis unit. There are many articles that show how to combat mucositis and peri-implantitis, but we need to be more focused on how prevent these peri-implant diseases. The impact of the design of the Perimplant Supracrestal Complex is both on short-term clinical outcomes and on long-term health end of the peri-implant bone and soft tissue must be studied and evaluated. The positioning of the implants before planning prosthetics is the essential requirement for correct ISC design. The Emergence Profile (EP), the Corner of Emergency, the Cervical Margin, the design of the joints implant-abutment and abutment-prosthesis, localization in relation to the tissues of the ISC have a significant impact on the maintenance of peri-implant stability and healthy tissues in the long period.
Learning objectives
- Prosthetic planning, analog or digital approach, to determine the special position of the implant
- Determination of the supracrestal mucosal space
- Choice of the implant, macro and microgeometric design, platform switching, stable connection, according to the position in the bone
- The choice of machined intermediate elements, with roughness control and biotolerance with the peri-implant soft tissues
- Choice of aesthetic material that is equally biotolerant with peri-implant soft tissues