He graduated from Selcuk University Faculty of Dentistry and completed his doctorate (PhD) and specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the same university. He started to work as an Assistant Professor at Istanbul Medipol University, Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery and still continues with the same position. His clinical interests are orthognathic surgery and virtual planning, facial asymmetry, maxillofacial trauma, bone augmentation and implantology. He is giving various national lectures, courses about Dental Implants, Bone Augmentation and Orthognatic Surgery.
Autogenous Bone or Biomaterials? When, Where and How?
In implant dentistry, it is absolutely necessary to address any inadequacies in the ridge of the alveolar bone. Function, support, and aesthetics may be compromised if implants are attempted to be implanted in a bony ridge that is inadequate. In order to prepare the bone for implant placement, more surgeries involving bone augmentation are now being performed as a result of modern grafting materials and techniques. This presentation will cover how, when, and why to select a biomaterial or autogenous bone for successfully augmenting bone.
Learning objectives
- Learn when to use autogenous bone and/or biomaterials
- Learn which defects should be treated with autogenous bone and/or biomaterials
- Learn how to perform a predictable guided bone regeneration and autogenous bone augmentation step by step
Predictable Autogenous Bone Augmentation: Khoury Technique
In implant dentistry, it is absolutely necessary to address any inadequacies in the ridge of the alveolar bone. Function, support, and aesthetics may be compromised if implants are attempted to be implanted in a bony ridge that is inadequate. In order to prepare the bone for implant placement, more surgeries involving bone augmentation are now being performed as a result of modern grafting materials and techniques. This course will cover how to use autogenous bone for successfully augmenting bone.
Learning objectives
- Learn how to use autogenous bone
- Learn which defects should be treated with autogenous bone
- Learn how to perform a predictable autogenous bone augmentation step by step.